To ensure your safety and comfort, a number of committees are responsible for dealing with issues relating to the clinic's operations.
This committee is made up of medical, paramedical, nursing and administrative staff. Its aim is to reduce the risk of infection during hospitalisation by organising the prevention and monitoring of healthcare-associated infections. It prepares an annual action plan, coordinates the actions of the operational hygiene team, defines monitoring indicators and validates and evaluates the protocols put in place.
This committee ensures continuous improvement in pain management, whatever the cause. Its role is to organise pain management, set up evaluation methods and draw up protocols. We would be grateful if you could complete the satisfaction questionnaire so that we can evaluate our practices.
This committee ensures the professional independence of practitioners, and participates in medical policy, the evaluation of professional practices, risk management and drug management.
This committee is responsible for implementing the objectives of continuous improvement in the quality of care and patient management. Every four years, the French National Authority for Health (HAS) carries out a certification visit to healthcare establishments to validate its work.
The results of these visits can be consulted at:
This committee monitors the proper use of medicines and sterile medical devices within the establishment. It issues recommendations on prescribing medicines and medical devices in order to avoid undesirable effects.
The hospital has set up a risk centralisation committee.
This committee coordinates the management of health vigilance: transfusion safety and haemovigilance, pharmacovigilance, identity-vigilance, radiovigilance, materialovigilance, etc. committees.
The factors inherent in any healthcare establishment are identified and analysed, and give rise to annual action plans for each manager, in order to implement the establishment's strategy.
The aim of this committee is to bring together in a single consultative body all the stakeholders in the hospital's food and nutrition policy, with the task of defining the policy for improving food and nutrition management within the hospital.
The role of this committee is to ensure that your rights are respected and to help you with your complaints. In certain cases, it may be asked to examine your complaint or claim. You can contact the CDU via the Quality Department by calling 01 40 08 88 03 and consult the list of members on the downloadable PDF.
They define and implement the rules for patient care on all the technical platforms. In particular, they establish priorities for organisation and the provision of skills and equipment.
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Tél : 01 40 08 88 00
3-11 rue de Turin,
75008 Paris