This involves purifying the blood directly using a device with a filter system (artificial kidney) to supplement the function of your kidneys. To do this, an access to your blood vessels, or vascular approach, must be provided:
Haemodialysis is an intermittent treatment (3 weekly sessions of a minimum of 4 hours per session as a general rule). The frequency and duration of the sessions are prescribed by your doctor, and the success of your treatment also depends on your compliance with all the prescribed sessions. In all cases, and always at the start of your treatment, it can be carried out in a centre and then, if your state of health and independence allow and after training, in a self-dialysis unit or at home. During your haemodialysis sessions, you will be able to benefit from ongoing nephrological monitoring, and you will be able to ask questions about your treatment and your state of health.
For more information on specific dialysis techniques and the equipment used, please consult the following sections:
Your treatment will always begin with a visit to the centre. Depending on your state of health and the tolerance of the sessions, you may be referred to the UDM on the basis of a medical decision.
If you wish to become more independent, the centre can offer you training in self-dialysis or home dialysis.
During visits or consultations with the nephrologist, you will be invited to inform him or her of your state of health and to ask any useful questions about your treatment.
Current haemodialysis monitoring conditions mean that session abnormalities can be quickly detected and treated, but do not hesitate to inform the staff of your signs as soon as possible.
Unforeseeable life-threatening complications have become rare.
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Tél : 01 40 08 88 00
3-11 rue de Turin,
75008 Paris