Posted on 05/07/2020For your safety, our establishment is reorganising itself to adapt to the current context.
We therefore ask you to follow certain rules:
- Respect your appointment time scrupulously
- Come wearing a mask
- Come unaccompanied (unless medically necessary)
- Respect the recommendations on visiting authorisations
- Rub your hands with hydroalcoholic solution
- Respect social distances (1 metre minimum)
- Favour remote communication solutions (making appointments by telephone or specialised platforms, etc.).
- Visits remain forbidden
In order to welcome you in complete safety, particularly strict protection and hygiene measures are currently being implemented within our establishment.
You can download the information note which will be given to you on your arrival.
In addition to the usual cleaning of our premises, more frequent cleaning is carried out to limit the risk of contact with contaminated surfaces: all our communal areas, stair railings, light switches, door handles, lift buttons, chairs, etc.
Our staff are prepared to welcome you and our offices are cleaned daily to limit the risk of indirect transmission: keyboards, mice, screens and telephones, etc.
Magazines, newspapers and other flyers previously at your disposal are banned until further notice in order to limit any risk of transmission.
When you arrive, we will provide you with all the information you need for your consultations and admissions.
In view of the current situation, you will be given an information flyer.
There are a number of steps you should take to ensure the safety of yourself and those around you: